13 Digital Nomad Essentials


Look ma, I made an acronym!

ifi - Don’t rely only on hostels’ & cafes’ spotty connections. Consider a pocket wifi (they’re all the rage in Seoul)
Organization - Define systems/processes that work for you, your team, and your clients (Nesha can help!)
Resources - Always keep a set of tools, templates & worksheets handy for when you need them!
Knowledge - Stay up-to-date on industry trends by subscribing to awesome value-packed blogs (like Later’s)
Invoicing System - Set this up from day 1. You’ll be so happy you did (Zipbooks or HoneyBook are great options)
Networking - You never know who you’ll meet n your travels. Go green with digital business cards.
Gear - Comfortable shoes, a handy backpack, powerful laptop, DSLR, portable chargers, or this personal fave.

Notepad - For sketching, notes, or to jot down your airbnb address in case you run out of battery! I love my MUJI!
Originality - Working & traveling requires flexing your creative muscle, problem solving for all the “unknowns.”
Master Files - Maintain a library of your brand assets, reusable brand keynotes, and branded canva templates.
Apps - Aside from these resources, Google offline maps, translators, & unit converters are life savers!
Drive - Self-discipline can only get you so far. In order to really make it as a digital nomad you need to feel driven.
Sunblock 😎